Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Definition and Stomach Function

For this time I will talk about ventriculus or we know as “stomach” which is the one of organs in human digestive system. Did you know the position of stomach in human body? To answer the question let’s look at the mirror. Then try to stare the left of your womb, exactly the left and below partition of body cavity. There is the position of stomach. Our stomach devided into 4 parts, such as :
The upper part there is cardia which is the door to entering food from throat.
The middle part there is fundus which shape round then in the middle of fundus there is stomach body.
And The lower part there is pilorus which is place connect with small intestine (duodenum)

To knowing where is the parts position of stomach, let’s see the picture below.

The food enter from mouth, when it arrived in stomach it directly  digest in the way of chemicals (the process will go on for a few hours). There are two valve (sfinger) in two tip of stomach which fungtion to keep the food  constant in stomach. The wall of stomach arrange from three layer of muscles such as circular, longitudinal and oblique muscle. The contraction of three muscles movement caused peristaltic movement (billowy movement).

Then what is the fungtion of muscle in the wall of stomach? Maybe this is the question walking in your mind. Ok, I will explain it. The muscles will help to rend the food to more small pieces and when the three muscle contaction caused peristaltic movement, the food will mix until it mixed with gastric juices which sectretion by the wall of stomach.

Wait? From where the gastric juices comes from? Calm down bro, this gastric juices doesn’t come directly. This gastric juices is produced by epitel  tissue which arrange stomach and the characteristic of it really acid (pH = 2). The gastric juice consist of water

The gastric juices capitalized as a microorganism killer and actived pepsinogen enzims to pepsin.
Pepsin enzims has fungtion to hydrolysis protein to peptida molecules. Renin enzims has fungtion to change keseinogen to kasein. Lipase enzims has fungtion to change triglisera to acid fat and protein.

Are you curious with the impact from the activity of the enzims? Or the way they work and how long the activity take time? If you still curious let’s read again this post, its short.:)

The food will change to porridge in stomach, don’t be confused, it caused by enzims and the activity of stomach muscles, the porridge caleed Chyme (kim). Now the next process by pilorus to organize disimissal of kim step by step to duodenum.

Pilorus muscle direct to stomach will  relaxation (loosen) if touch by kim that have acid character. The other way, pilorus muscles direct to duodenum will contracted (crease) if it touched by kim. In this way the food go through pilorus hank by hank to duodenum then the food will digest again when we eat more food.
If you all hungry because reading this post, just eat more and your stomach will work again. J so you caan read more post on my blog softilmu.blogspot.com eventhough it has lack. Maybe in here you can find more knowledge which has many benefits to you all. If you have many question or suggestion just comment in the comment box below. So we can discuss each other J

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