Friday, April 10, 2015

Explanation of Sociology

Sociology is a knowledge which learn about the relationship human and its environment. In this post, there will be many thing I will share about Sociology, the born sociology, and sociology research object. To know more about this topic, let’s read the following explanation:

Sociology is a new knowledge if its compared with other knowledge (like physics, biology, geography etc.). Sociology is developed by Auguste Comte from French. Its not like the other knowledge, sociology  bounded investigation about the object ( environment) not to obtain research product that cannot proven

The Explanation of Sociology

Sociology comes from 2 word. “Socious” (latin) means friend and “logos” (greek) means word,  words and talked. Sociology really has the mix blood right (its more interesting). Whereas literally, sociology meand talking about citizen.

Next maybe you want to know what the scientist opinion about sociology. So I will offend about that ( there are 3 opinion. That’s enough right?)
The first opinion from encyclopedia, sociology is explained as a science study about citizen and life aspect that taken from our life in citizen.
Then the opinion from the person who develop this knowledge, yup, Augute Comte. According to him Sociology is a main knowledge to learn about human as living thing which has instinct to keep alive together. Why it too short? Maybe it means, sociology learn about all life aspect materialized in association, institute and culture.
The last opinion from Indonesian scientist, Selo Soemardjan and Soelaiman Soemardi. They propose if sociology is a knowledge that learn about social structure, social process and social change. So, that’s all the opinion of scientist about sociology, if you still confused , don’t be hesitate to ask in the comment box.
The history of sociology Born
Seeds about the born of sociology appear for the first time in Etopia. This thing happen because citizen relize there are the changes in life development, especially  citizen europe. In 19 cntury there are many accident happen so trigger like a new citizen.
Because of the development if thinking from citizen. In 1839 sociology appear for the first time in the details of paragraph in 47th study Cours de la Philosophie by Auguste Comte. Eventough the poiner came from French, the development of sociology spread in every region in Europe, so there born opinions which show the citizen intellectual development.
A few opinion are French opinion that is marked with Emile Duekheim personality through  objective phenomenological using natural science models; Jerman opinion, diferentiate between natural science with psychology, in explanation also reference; America opinion more known as Chicago opinion that have purpose to interference and discuss about concrete problem empirically with build laboratory, do the research until publicate books and magazine. From the place where sociology was born (French, German, and America), there are many figure who started the step for this knowledge.

Sociology Research Object

My explanation in teh beginning, sociology research object is a relationship between citizen with environment, also between human with surrounding. Generally, sociology can be category in three step study, based characteristic and human development ; human interaction and the relationship ; also adaptation with environment.
So, after read my post completely, do you satisfied with the explanation? If not yet, just comment about it in the comment box. I’m sure this article has many lack but that’s all my effort to share with you all.

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