Friday, April 10, 2015

Definition and Effect of Corrosion

Corrosion is the one of many problem that we will meet when using metal element. It has significance effect to make the metal become useless. Corrosion is a reaction when metal has a contact with oxygen. When it happen, the metal form a compound called oxide on the metal surface. The metal become dull and lost it’s luster characteristic.

Metals and its usefulness that have high reactivity level will more fast corrosive than metals with low reactivity level. To restrain the corrosion, there are few things we can do. For example iron ( it is used for make aloi steel) is so easy to corrosive, but it is strong and easy to moudable become variated shape. Iron is suitable to build very big structures, but it have to be protected from corrosion. The way to protect it with painting. Why?

The bridge made from iron and protected from corrosion by painted phosporic acid. The acid will formed a bond with metal iron element and formed a protector to restrain corrosion on the bottom iron. Then the bridge will be protected more with coat paint.

To know more about the damage from corrosion on metal, let’s read the explanation below.

A. Corrosion Effects

When a metal have corrosion, the surface become closed by oxide layer. In a few metal, like alumunium, the layer  adhere on metal and protecting it from corrosion. In another metal, this layer cannot form. In iron and steel, for example, corrosion layer that incrustation (iron oxide) formed. This layer getting loose, it may the bottom metal have corrosion.

Alumunium fast to form the oxide layer on the surface. Alumunium is the ideal material to make food tray, because it won’t be corrosion.

This dteel drums is painted to protect from corrosion, but a little scratch can be the way for moist entering the paint and touch the steel. This id the way for corrosion happen.

B. The Way to Retrain Corrosion

Other than painting, there are the other way to retrain the corrosion, for example Galvanize. This is the methode for protecting steel coated with zinc. Zinc is mmore reactive than steel, so its contact with oxygen first than steel.  Even so the zinc scratch, oxygen in the air continue to react with zinc, not with the steel. Metal zinc and magnesium usually used to protect iron or steel from corrosion, so its usually called metal victim.
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What is Molecule?

Molecule is a bound knowledge with atom. Relationship between molecule and atom very tight. Even every molecule must have an atom. Why it can be like that? So, atoms are very rare found alone, because generally atoms adhere or mutually bind each other. The  signification from molecule is a group of atom which bind each other and forming a small part from a substance or compound usually alone. Like an atom, molecule still very small to be seen with natural eyes. In this post I will talked about molecule bro, I will discuss is about leather and bind, water molecule, chemical formula and molecule models. So let’s read about this topic.

A. Leather and Bind

Atom has leather that fill with electrons. The first leather can be filled with 2 electrons, the second leather and the third leather can be filled with eight electrons, eventough some electrons has until 18 electrons in the third leather. When a leather is full, electrons will start a new leather, an atom called stable if the last leather is full.

Atom bind each other become stable, the atom do that stuff with sharing the electrons or it can be called give or take electrons from the other, untill the capacity of electrons in the last leather can be full, and reqruit the stable condition. For the example two hydrogen atoms that bind will make electrons in the last leather full, that is every first leather has 2 electrons. See the following picture:

The other example is water molecule, consist of two different atoms, such as hydrogen and oxygen. Two hydrogen atoms share electron with oxygen atom, so every leather have a complete electrons. Oxygen atom use two electrons (one of every hydrogen atom) to complete the outer leather. So all atoms is stable. If you still don’t understand, I will try to explain more detail.

Oxygen atom has 6 electrons in the outer leather. So the oxygen atom need two more electrons to complete the outer leather and become stable. Whereas  every hydrogen atoms has one eletron in the outer leather so it need one more to became stable. When they bind, hydrogen and oxygen atoms mutually give and take, so it became stable and the outer leather has a complete electron.

B. Chemical Formula

A symbol can represent a name from atom, this symbol called chemical symbol. Generally the first and the second letter from the name in English, Latin or arabic. For example:

O         is a symbol for oxygen
Au       is a symbol for gold from latin word Aurum
Fe        is a symbol for iron from latin word ferrum
K          is the symbol for potassium from arabis word

A chemical formula show everything which arrange a substance and its proportion. For example every carbondioxide molecule consist of one carbon atom and two atoms oxygen, so the formula for carbondioxide is CO2. The rate 2 shows how many oxygen atom in that molecule.

C. Molecule Models

When we learn about molecule, the scientist use a model to offer. There are two main types such as ball type and bar type also filling space model.

Whereas in filling space models, atoms are showed mutually adhere.

The both models don’t seem like a real molecule, but it is the simple way to describe atoms that arrange molecule.

That’s all my post about molecule, with my limited knowledge I try to sharing with you all. Eventough there are many lack, I’m sure you get advantages that add your knowledge more. If you have any comment for my blog. Write it in the comment Box.
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Explanation of Atom

The title of my article for this time is about The Explanation of Atom. “Atom” is the word from Greek “Atomos” that mean cannot be cut. Appropriated from the explanation, atoms are particles that arrange all thing and has a small size. In an atom also has sub-atom. It is particles that arrange atom and has a more small size. Hard to imagine how small this atom, one of the dot in the end of this sentence has about 20 thousand atoms.

Every atoms have nucleus, consist of proton and neutron, also electron move fast arround the nucleus. Electrons contain in the different stage of energy called leather. In every leather, it has limit for electrons. If the electrons in the first leather has the limit, the electons will fill the second leather and so on.

Based on the explanation above, electron, neutron and proton are the smallest part of atom, but the modern scientist opinion says proton and neutron arranged by more smallest particles called kuark. If you want to know more about atom, Let’s read the explanation bellow.

The theory of Atom

The word “atom” in the first time used by chemist from England named John Dalton (1776-1844) when he submitted the theory of atom in 1807.

Dalton said that all of the chemical elements arrange by very small particles called atom and cannot be cut when it is reacted by the chemical substance. One more opinion is all the chemical reaction caused by the mix or separate of atoms. Atom Theory of Dalton become basis of the modern knowledge.
In the twentieth century, the scientist started to make  the atom model, created by :
  • Ernest Rutherford (1871-1937) he describe electrons (-) rounded the nucleus (+)
  • Neils Bohr (1885-1962) he described the model with electrons rounded the certain orbits.
  • Jame Chadwick (1891-1962) he point out a nucleus consist of particles called netron and proton.

Atom Mass

Atom in different element also has different mass. It depend on the amount of proton and neutron in the nucleus. Hidrogen has one proton and doesn’t have neutron, so it only has the first atom mass. More big the mass of atom, more small the atom.

The Number of Atom

Atoms from different substance have proton number that not same in the nucleus.the number of proton in nucleus called atom number. If the number of proton in the atoms nucleus change, so atom will change to atom with the different character with the previous one.

Atom Force

Electron (-) will be kept in orbit arround nucleus (+) by electromagnetic force. Pull force of nucleus that keep proton and neutron in atom’s nucleus is a strongest force in universe. It one hundred times more strong than electromagnetic force.

Electric Charge

Most of this atoms have neutral electric capacity. That’s mean the number of proton (+) and electron (-) is same. The charges has attractive and disattractive tarik menarik force that abolish each other.

The Form of Atom

Atom has variated form called isotop. Every form has the same number of proton and electron but neutron is different. So, all isotop from an atom has the same atom number but the number of mass different. Isotops has the same physical characterisics, but chemichal characteristic is different. Most of atom in the element is an one kind elements.

This is all of my post with “atom” theme. Actually, there are many things that connect with atom, but I only can share this to you because of my definite knowledge. Thank you for visiting my simple blog. If you have any opinion about my blog, please write in the comment box (don’t be  hesitant).
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Explanation of Sociology

Sociology is a knowledge which learn about the relationship human and its environment. In this post, there will be many thing I will share about Sociology, the born sociology, and sociology research object. To know more about this topic, let’s read the following explanation:

Sociology is a new knowledge if its compared with other knowledge (like physics, biology, geography etc.). Sociology is developed by Auguste Comte from French. Its not like the other knowledge, sociology  bounded investigation about the object ( environment) not to obtain research product that cannot proven

The Explanation of Sociology

Sociology comes from 2 word. “Socious” (latin) means friend and “logos” (greek) means word,  words and talked. Sociology really has the mix blood right (its more interesting). Whereas literally, sociology meand talking about citizen.

Next maybe you want to know what the scientist opinion about sociology. So I will offend about that ( there are 3 opinion. That’s enough right?)
The first opinion from encyclopedia, sociology is explained as a science study about citizen and life aspect that taken from our life in citizen.
Then the opinion from the person who develop this knowledge, yup, Augute Comte. According to him Sociology is a main knowledge to learn about human as living thing which has instinct to keep alive together. Why it too short? Maybe it means, sociology learn about all life aspect materialized in association, institute and culture.
The last opinion from Indonesian scientist, Selo Soemardjan and Soelaiman Soemardi. They propose if sociology is a knowledge that learn about social structure, social process and social change. So, that’s all the opinion of scientist about sociology, if you still confused , don’t be hesitate to ask in the comment box.
The history of sociology Born
Seeds about the born of sociology appear for the first time in Etopia. This thing happen because citizen relize there are the changes in life development, especially  citizen europe. In 19 cntury there are many accident happen so trigger like a new citizen.
Because of the development if thinking from citizen. In 1839 sociology appear for the first time in the details of paragraph in 47th study Cours de la Philosophie by Auguste Comte. Eventough the poiner came from French, the development of sociology spread in every region in Europe, so there born opinions which show the citizen intellectual development.
A few opinion are French opinion that is marked with Emile Duekheim personality through  objective phenomenological using natural science models; Jerman opinion, diferentiate between natural science with psychology, in explanation also reference; America opinion more known as Chicago opinion that have purpose to interference and discuss about concrete problem empirically with build laboratory, do the research until publicate books and magazine. From the place where sociology was born (French, German, and America), there are many figure who started the step for this knowledge.

Sociology Research Object

My explanation in teh beginning, sociology research object is a relationship between citizen with environment, also between human with surrounding. Generally, sociology can be category in three step study, based characteristic and human development ; human interaction and the relationship ; also adaptation with environment.
So, after read my post completely, do you satisfied with the explanation? If not yet, just comment about it in the comment box. I’m sure this article has many lack but that’s all my effort to share with you all.
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What to Know About Chemical Compound

Do you know if in our earth there are unlimited chemical compound? If not, let’s read about the chemical compound in this post. Actually, there are many chemical compound around us, even in our body arranged by compounds called  organic compound. So, in this post I will explain clearly about compound that rarely known by us (psstt, this is secret ;)). Some of them are chemical formula, compound group, the characteristic of compound, organic compound and the example of compound in our life. Let’s go into the first topic.

example of compound

A. Chemical Formula

Before we start this short explanation, you have to know compound has atoms from two or more elements that bound in chemical to forming the new substance variably. Elements formed a compound with this same comparison called chemical formula. It mean the chemical formula is the way to point out elements comparison in compound. For example, water chemical formula is H2O because in each 2 hydrogen atom bound with one oxygen. So, the point is :

Chemical formula is one of many ways to describe element composition that form compound.

B. Compound Group

According to you, how can we difentiate compunds with too much variated? I diferentiate and separate them based on the characteristics or certain similarity, so it is easy to differentate. Surely this method have been done by the scientist, even before we succeed to find the answer. Compound grouping that have been arranged is group by its chemical characteristics such as acid and alkali. There are also based on the atoms.

C. The Characteristics of Compound

Like human being every individual compound group based on description above also have certain characteristics. This characteristic can be used to many things, but not rarely this characteristic  can caused danger for human. Compound has  two main characteristic:

1.      It cannot be separated in the way of physic
2.      It has different characteristics from the forming elements.

Do you still difficult to understand? If you do, lets read the examples. Who knows with comprehend the examples you understand about compound characteristics.

Natrium Chloride (kitchen salt)  is a compound that composed by chlorine (poisenous gas) and natrium (reactive metal). When it merge become one, it lost the danger characteristic so it become useful.

Iron and Slfur are heated become one, so it formed compound (iron sulfide) and it has different with original elements. It is not like iron, iron sulfide cannot be pulled by magnet and it isn’t also like sulfur powder. You have to know that when the two react each other, so iron and sulfur cannot be separated again.

D. Organic Compound

In the beginning I have told you all living things arranged by compound. All of the compound is organic compound or compound with carbon elements. It consist of carbon atom that bound with other elements, like hydrogen and oxygen. Atoms are gathered by strong covalent bond. Maybe the explanation too short to you, if you wanted to know more, let’s check my post about the expalanation of organic compound.

It is all my post for this time bro, thank you because you have read my simple blog. Don’t be bored to visiting ;). Maybe I have many lack on this post. So, I hope you write your opinion in the comment box below (don’t waste your time).
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Definition and Using of Metal

Metal is an element that has very large amount in this earth. There are variated metal which has it’s own characteristic and usefulness. Untill this time, there are 65 metals which formed naturally in earth, but there are few kind that can be used in the right path. There are about 20 kind of metals which can be used, stand alone or half from aloi (the mix from two kind of metals or more and another substance). Aloi is made to make metal which have the different characteristic previously, to use in maximal way. If you more curious with the various metal and the usefulness, let’s read this one, I will share about 20 kind of metals and 5 kind of alloys which is very well known.


Alumunium is metal with white silver colour which has very light characteristic and endure with corrotion. This metal proceed against from its seed, bauxite, with electrolysis process. Alumunium is used in electric cables in air line, airplane, ship, car, drink tin, and kitchen foil (food envelopment).

2. Steel

Steel is one of many alloy usually that we heard and meet. Steel has very important role in human life, why? Because steel is iron and carbon alloy that  one of few important material in industrial. We know, industrial influence the world in global. Baja secure from corrotion and the important use to space industrial.

3. Iron

Iron is the metal with white grey colour. This metal produce from melted haematite seed in spittle furnace. The usefulness is for building and engineering also to make steel alloy.

4. Gold

I’m sure you all know about this metal. Metal gold elements has soft characteristic and has bright yellow colour which is used  to jewelry and electronic equipment. Surely, gold is not easy to get in the market, because it is expensive and more expensive.

5. Potassium

Potassium is the light metal with silver colour also has reactive characteristic. Potassium compounds is used in chemical fertilizer and to make glass.

6. Calcium

This metal has white silver colour, easy to  characteristic formed appropriate with the founding place, in lime stone and lime. There is also calcium animal teeth. The usefulness of this metal usually to make cement and high steel quality.

7. Brass

Brass is an alloy made from copper and zinc. The usefulness is usually to ornate, screw, musical instrument and little nile.

8. Kupro-Nickel

It is an alloy that made from copper and nickel. The usefulness is to make metal money with silver colour.

9. Chromium

Chromium is a silver metal and has hard characteristic. It is usually used for make anticrrotion steel and cover another metal to protect and give shine refusing.

10. Magnesium.

It is a silver light metal which if burn it produce white fire flame. This metal is used in  rescuing sinal light and firework in light alloy.

11. Sodium

Natrium is very reactive metal. It has soft characteristic and i has colour silver white. There are sodium in kitchen salt and light road also in chemical industry.

12. Silver

Silver is a metal that easy to be formed, white grey colour. It is a hot conductor and a good elctric. This metal is used to make jewelry, silver equipment and photograph film.

13. Bronze

It is an alloy from copper and tin which known since ancient period. It has uncorrotion and easy to formed characteristics. In many state, bronze is used to make low price coin.

14. Platinum

This silver white metal is easy to form, is used yo make jewelry, electronic goods and as a catalyst.

15. Plutonium

This is a radioactive metals which is produced with uranium nuclear reactor and used in nuclear weapon.

16. Mercury

Mercury is a heavy  liquid metal. This liquid metal colour is white silver, and also poisonous. It is used in thermometer, toothpaste and in some detonator.

17. Zinc

It is a white blue metal which is took from mineral zinc blende (sfarelit). It is used to cover iron in order to keep it from corrosion (Galvanize). It also used in certain electric battery and in alloy like brass.

18. Solder

Alloy from tin and lead has low melted point and used to connect cables in electronic goods.

19. Copper

It is easy form, has florid colour that used to make electric cable, hot water tank, and brass, bronze and Kupro-nickle alloy.

20. Tin

A soft metal, easy to formed with white silver colour. It is used to gilt steel to stop corrotion in a bronze alloy, pewter (tin and timbel alloy)

21. Timbel

Heavy metal white blue colour, easy to formed and poisonous. It is took from galena minerals and used in battery, roof and X ray radiation shield.

22. Titanium

A strong metal, white colour and easy to formed. This metal endure with corrosion and used to alloy in outer space craft, airplane, and bike frame.


A white silver metal, radioactive and used as a nuchlear energy source and also nuchlear weapon.


A hard metal, white and poisonous. It is used to raise the hardest steel alloy. A vanadium compound is used as catalyst to make sulphate acid.


A hard metal with white grey colour. It is used in filament lamp, in electronic goods and in steel alloy to make cutting equipment with sharp edge.

So, that’a all about this post that recite for the kind of metal and usefulness. If you want to ask something about this post, let’s comment in the comment box. It’s free bro hhaha. Thanks for visiting this blog.
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Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Definition and Stomach Function

For this time I will talk about ventriculus or we know as “stomach” which is the one of organs in human digestive system. Did you know the position of stomach in human body? To answer the question let’s look at the mirror. Then try to stare the left of your womb, exactly the left and below partition of body cavity. There is the position of stomach. Our stomach devided into 4 parts, such as :
The upper part there is cardia which is the door to entering food from throat.
The middle part there is fundus which shape round then in the middle of fundus there is stomach body.
And The lower part there is pilorus which is place connect with small intestine (duodenum)

To knowing where is the parts position of stomach, let’s see the picture below.

The food enter from mouth, when it arrived in stomach it directly  digest in the way of chemicals (the process will go on for a few hours). There are two valve (sfinger) in two tip of stomach which fungtion to keep the food  constant in stomach. The wall of stomach arrange from three layer of muscles such as circular, longitudinal and oblique muscle. The contraction of three muscles movement caused peristaltic movement (billowy movement).

Then what is the fungtion of muscle in the wall of stomach? Maybe this is the question walking in your mind. Ok, I will explain it. The muscles will help to rend the food to more small pieces and when the three muscle contaction caused peristaltic movement, the food will mix until it mixed with gastric juices which sectretion by the wall of stomach.

Wait? From where the gastric juices comes from? Calm down bro, this gastric juices doesn’t come directly. This gastric juices is produced by epitel  tissue which arrange stomach and the characteristic of it really acid (pH = 2). The gastric juice consist of water

The gastric juices capitalized as a microorganism killer and actived pepsinogen enzims to pepsin.
Pepsin enzims has fungtion to hydrolysis protein to peptida molecules. Renin enzims has fungtion to change keseinogen to kasein. Lipase enzims has fungtion to change triglisera to acid fat and protein.

Are you curious with the impact from the activity of the enzims? Or the way they work and how long the activity take time? If you still curious let’s read again this post, its short.:)

The food will change to porridge in stomach, don’t be confused, it caused by enzims and the activity of stomach muscles, the porridge caleed Chyme (kim). Now the next process by pilorus to organize disimissal of kim step by step to duodenum.

Pilorus muscle direct to stomach will  relaxation (loosen) if touch by kim that have acid character. The other way, pilorus muscles direct to duodenum will contracted (crease) if it touched by kim. In this way the food go through pilorus hank by hank to duodenum then the food will digest again when we eat more food.
If you all hungry because reading this post, just eat more and your stomach will work again. J so you caan read more post on my blog eventhough it has lack. Maybe in here you can find more knowledge which has many benefits to you all. If you have many question or suggestion just comment in the comment box below. So we can discuss each other J

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Monday, February 2, 2015

Definition And Mouth Function

Hello, I glue you all my regards. This time I write about the explanation about human mouth. This is not really difficult to learn because I’m sure you all know a little about the shape, position and fungtion of our mouth. Mouth is the first way to started digesive system process, mouth cavity.This process happen with mechanics and chemicals. Our mouth don’t work by itself, in mouth cavity there are many organs to help when the process start. The organs are Teeth, tounge and saliva gland. So, Let’s read the detail explanation about the organs!
1. Teeth
Before I continue, it can be good if you look at the mirror, open your mouth and stare your teeth. If you have done it let’s continue. Like you see, teeth arrange and reside in upper jaw and lower jaw. Generally, teeth have section there are
  • The top teeth or crown of the teeth, the part which can seen outside.
  • Teeth neck,  the part is protected by gums, and its diveider between top and root teeth
  • Root teeth, the part of teeth which buried in jaw.

Let’s continue to another part, maybe you get benefit in knowing this. We are going to teeth layer, the outer layer of teeth  called email, this layer is a hard layer in teeth. Its fungtion to protect teeth bones. Its mean, if this part broken in the way of logic teeth easy to broke too. In email there is dentin which is the net with yellow colour. Let’s read about outer layer of teeth root called sementum and usually we know with teeth semen. Then the inner part of teeth is  teeth hollow (pulpa), the hollow contain of nerve and intravenous.

Did you remember when your teeth grow for the first time? I’m sure no one can remember it. Why? Because teeth grow when our age 6-7 months until 26 months. Teeth when we are child called first born teeth or generally called milk teeth. After we 6 until 14 ages, then milk teeth loosened one by one and change to permanent teeth. So how is the arrangement of teeth? Let’s see the picture below.

See? Teeth arranged in rows and the position is in upper and lower jaw. All the milk teeth amount is 20, contains of incisor which amount 8=(2*4), cuspi which amount 4=[2*(1+1)], and front molar which amount 8=[2*(2+2)].

Adult teeth called permanent teeth which amount 32 contains of incisor which amount 8=(2*4), cuspi which amount 4=[2*(1+1)], front molar which amount 8=[2*(2+2)], back molar which amount 12=[2*(3+3)].
Yup, after you know the arrangement of teeth, I’m sure your knowledge about teeth added more. But there are more explanation about teeth, it has many fungtion. Incisor to cutting the food, cuspi to  ripped food and molar to chew food.
2. Tongue
Tongue has many usefulness in digestive system in human.  Be sides tounge is as a setter the position of food in our mouth  and push the food to the next part, it always be indra which fungion to tste food. To more clear about the position of tongue, let’s see the picture below.

3. Saliva
Saliva is produced by 3 couple of saliva gland, then currented to saliva canal which estuary to mouth hollow. The 3 named of saliva gland are Parotid Saliva Gland (near temples), Lower jaw Saliva Gland and upper jaw Saliva Gland. I’m sure you have seen saliva right? And did you now the  contens of saliva? If not, let’s check it out. Don’t be bored to read this post ok?

Saliva consist of water, mucous, salt, and ptialin enzims. This enzim has fungtion to change flour subtance to sugar such as maltose and glucose. After it finished in mouth, the food will go to throat and continue to stomach and another digestive system.

This is the end of my post about human mouth. If you read carefully you will add more knowledge about our mouth. But, if there are many question in your mind just comment in the comments box below to discuss together. Thanks ;)
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