Saturday, January 31, 2015

Definition, Concern, And Advantages Of Biology

“Biology” I’m sure that you have heard this word. Yup, biology is knowledge which very important on our Earth. Biology is natural science that learned about life in this world in many aspect, about living thing , surrounding even interaction between living thing with its surrounding. So, not rarely we found many amazing thing called miracle when we learn about it. Learning biology that aplicable in this wold now is a product from scientist research, and this product can be proofed also not veer from the fact. Now then the movement of biology is supported by technology and produce many science branch. Do you know the reason? If not, let’s check it out!

The development of Biology from time to time more and more extended, but that is not apart from the effect of another science. Why? Because biology related to another science like physic, chemistery etc. This merger is the one of many aspect that worm out of another new science. I’m sure the explanation above is not enough, maybe too short right? I want you to be here for long time. I will explain a few important thing about biology, such as about the characteristic, its concern with another science, the branch of biology also the advantages and the danger of biology.

The word of Biology comes from Greek, bio means life and logos means science. So we can explain Biology is a natural science which learn and investigate about life. Another biology object to investigate are the things can be cacthed by human Indra and another equipment (for  example microscope)

I have explain above, biology is not the only science, because biology also the branch from natural science. Like human help each other, Biology and another science can help to produce a science which really usefull to our life.

The real proof fom this thing is microscope which be a soul of biology found based of physic priciple (another branch of biology). So, we can’t against biology isn’t the only science.

The explanation in introduction above will proofed in this point. The development of biology apropriate with technology, produce million innovation in research process. With technology, Biology can more expanse and produce many branch to help us differentiate biology object. A few of biology baranch are :
  • Morphology : Outer shape of living thing
  • Anatomy : Inner shape of living thing
  • Histology : Tissue
  • Genetics : inheriting of characteristics
  • Organology : Organ
  • Cytology : Cells
  • Embryology : Embryo
  • Botany : Plants
  • Zoology : Animals
  • Bacteriology : Bacteria
  • Mycology : Fungi
  • And many more. 

We know that the development of technology if we concerned with biology will have many advantages to human live. So, Why there are many disadvantages of biotechnology? To answer the question let’s check the explanation below.

Each person have different personality, so the action are different too. There are people act and produce many advantages, but there are people act to themself without think the impact to another people. This thing happen because we are greedy. At the point the characteristics of human can effect nature, so we can take the conclution  “Biology has advantages or disadvantages depend on the person who use it”

That’s all my post for this time, I’m sure I have lack in this posting. So, if you have many question in your mind just ask in the comment box. We can take many knowledge that make us to be a good personality. See you soon J

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