Friday, January 30, 2015

Definition and History of Solar System

The Explanation of solar system, The Theory of Solar System, The History of Solar System and The Obejcts in Solar System. I hope this article have many advantages for you all. More visiting Chek it out!

Solar system is a group of object comprises of one big star called Sun, and all the objects that tied by gravitation. The other object is eight planet known with its orbit elips shape, 5 dwarf planet, 173 nature satelite has been indentified, and other million object (meteor, asteroid, comet). Solar System has many member called The sun and its family. Solar sytem is a system consist of Sun as the center and surrounding by planets, comet(tail star), meteor(star shift), satelites and asteroid.
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Many theory are said by the scientist, but I will share a few of them that really well known in international.

Nebule  Theory (fog theory) by Immanuel Kant (1749-1827) and Piere Simon de Laplace (1796)
Then Sun and planets made by a glowing fog that twist in the universe, because of the twist shape like a big ball, more small more fast the velocity. Because of the fog ball compressed in it’s pole and more wide in it’s equator even a half mass of the fog sheer off from the center of the twist and form belt surround the center of it’s fog. Then the belt form a hank become planets and it’s satelite. Whereas it’s glowing center still formed glowing gas that we see now as Sun.

This theory has known as the best during 100 years, but now in different story, this theory unbeliveable because of two reason:
  • It cannot give answers for many problems in Solar System
  • Many theory we know more believe

Planetesimal theory by Geologist Thomas C. Chamberlin (1843-1928) and an astronomer Forest R. Moulton (1872-1952)
Solar System formed because there is another star through near our Sun, the beginning period the formed of Sun. It caused a gibbosity on the Sun surface, and together with the internal process of Sun, its pulling the material many time over the sun. Star gravitation effect caused the form of two spiral long arm from sun.

While the half more materials is pulling once again, the half one still on the orbit colled and pressed become object with small size that’s called planetisimal and the big one called protoplanet. The objects collide from time to time and formed planet and moon, while the remaining of other material become comets and asteroids.

Tidal Theory by  2 people come from England, Sir James Jeans (1877-1946) and Harold Jeffereys (1891)
Planet reputed as having size because the close of the other star to Sun, The condition where it’s almost collide caused pulled many big material from Sun and the other star by the tidal force then condensation to a planet.

After the star passed with big pull  force of the star on the sun surface occured a process of tidal like a tidal wave of sea caused by a pull force of moon. A half mass of Sun form dotted cigar and form a hank of gas arround the sun with different size, the hank coolled and forming planets.

This theory explain why the middle planets like Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are the giant planets even the lower ends are the dwarf planets. The forming of this nine planets because of sun gas has cigar shape that caused the size of planets different.

But Harold Jeffreys on 1929 against the collasion almost impossible to happen. Thus astronom Henry Russel said his objection about that hypothesis.

Dust Cloud Theory by Carl Von Weizsaeker (1940) then perfectible by Gerard P Kuiper (1950)
Solar system formed molecular hank cloud gas and dust. Molecular cloud compressed and the particle pulled to center of cloud part. It form  ball molecular and started to twist forming a thick disk in center, thin in edge part. The Particles in the center of disk compressed together and make a hot and glow.

Twin Star Theory by Fred Hoyle (1915-2001)
Solar System is two star with almost same size and close each other. One of the star blew out leave small pieces. It trapped by the star gravitation that not blew out and started to orbit arround this.

5 planets closest to Sun except earth (Merkurius, venus, mars, jupiter and Satun) have been known since long time ago, because they all can seen by our nature eyes. Many nation in this world have their own name to each planets.

The development of science and technology on 5 century ago bring human to understand object that free from mythology veil. Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) can make human eyes more sharper to observe the object that can’t be seen with nature eyes with his telescope refractor.

Because of Galileo telescope can observe sharper, he can see many shape alteration of venus, like venus sickle and full venus as the result from changing position venus to sun. Reasoning venus orbit the sun more stronger the theory of heliosentris that sun is the center of universe, not earth, previously idea by Nicolas Copernicus (1473-1543). The arrange of heliosetris is sun is orbitted by merkurius to Saturn. 
Galileo telescope is more improved by another scientist like Christian Huygens (1629-1695) that found Titan, Saturn satelite and itsposition is 2 times orbit of earth-jupiter

The development of telescope is balanced by the development of counting the movement of object in the sky and the relationship its object to other by Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) with Kepler Law’s. At the top Sir Issac Newton (1642-1727) with Gravitation Law’s. With this two counting theory, it may search and count the other object.
In 1781, William Herschel (1738-1822) found uranus. The accurate counting the orbit of uranus, the summary is this planet has an irritant. So in 1846 found Neptune but its cannot explain the irritant of Uranus. Then in 1930 is founded another planet called pluto, but the lissence has ben take off years ago.

1. Sun
Sun is the center star and the main component of solar system. The size of the star is 332.830 earth mass. It’s make the center of sun really solid for advocate the relation fusion of nuchlear and its explosive really amazing energy. Many of the energy flow trough the space in the form of electromagnetic radiation.
  • Sun is the center of solar system. It is no different with the other star.
  • Sun is a hot gas ball that radiatte the energy to all direction by itself.
  • Sun is the main center of solar system.
  • We think Sun is the biggest but in universe Sun included to a small star.
  • It’s  diameter 100 time more than earth, so the sun we think is blank, sun can accomodate more than 1 million of earth.
  • Sun and it’s energy assure of daily life on earth.

2. Planets
Merkurius is a very dwarf planet in solar system and the closest one to Sun. The distance to Sun is 58 million km and it has diameter 4.880 km. Merkurius has no atmosphere, the temperature among 200 – 400 Celcius. Merkurius gravitation thereabout’s 1/3 time Earth gravitation.

Venus is the closest planet to earth, it only has diameter about 12.04 km. It’s distance to Sun 106 km, revolution period 224 days, the venus gravitation 2300 and the temperature of its air 20 times the pressure of earth. The surface of venus is covered by a thick clouds to 48 km. The intererting one of the observation by many spaceship, there is a formation of young stones and old mounts, the atmosphere is like dry dust that  consist of  CO2, N, and O2.

 c. Earth
Earth is the third planet in solar system and the one and only planet that has habitate of living thing, it has satelite called moon and the composition of earth are :
  • Biosphere layer, consist of nikel and ferum the thickness among 3.470 km
  • Layer between biosphere and litosphere, the thickness among 1. 700 and consist of meteorite rocks.
  • Litosphere layer compires of Sial layer because it has SiO2 and Al2 and the part of sima consist of SiO2 and MgO and Al2O3, the thickness between Sial and Sima is not regular, on mountain the position really deep but in Sea the part of Sial connected with sima.

Mars look from the orbit between Sun and earth also included the closest planet to earth. It’s distance to Sun among 228 km, orbiting Sun in 687 days, the time of its rotation 24 hours 32 minutes and 21 seconds. Like another planets Mars have 2 satelite, such as :
Deimos, berdimendi 10x12x16 km and orbit period 30,3 days. It rotation to Mars is same like Moon to Earth.

e. Jupiter
Jupiter is the biggest planet. The diameter is 130.000 km. It distance to Sun among 778 million km and the structure is like the Sun structure. Its composition consist of hidrogen and it mixed with NH3, Amoniak, Helium, and Metan.
Saturn is the second biggest planet after Jupiter. I’s distance to Sun among 1.426 km, the revolution is 29,5 years and the time for rotate in the axis is 10 hours. Saturn has 17 satelite and a few that really exsist are Titan, tethys, rea, dione and three beautiful belt such as:
  • A belt is a outer belt with diameter 260.000 km.
  • B belt is the middle belt with diameter 152.000 km
  • C belt is the belt that has diameter 160000 km

g Uranus
Uranus distance to Sun is among 2.869 km, and rotation to Sun 84 years with velocity 11 hours. This planet has diameter 49.700 km, in this planet found helium, hidrogen and metan. It has 5 satelites such as Miranda, Ariel, Umbriel, Titania and Oberon. The peculiarity of this planet is the position of rotation axis coplanar with the revolution, and the sun shift from North to south in the revolution period.

h. Neptune
Neptune is the farest planet to sun with the distance about 4.495 million km. Its revolution is165 years. The time of its rotation 15 hours. Neptune has 2 satelites such as Triton that haas diameter 4000km and atmosfer with Shape like pluto. Neried   has diameter 2000km the position more far from earth than triton.

Asteroids is materials of rock that position between Mars and jupiter. Materials of Asteroid, half of them fail to be a planet because there is Jupiter gravitation force that really strong over and over broke the half again the materials. Because of that tme remaining materials become belt of asteroid and now become a giant belt chunk and pieces of rock.
Asterois occupy the main belt between Mars and Jupiter orbit. Asteroids first found in january 1st 1801. Between the pieces, the biggest rock named Ceres with diameter 480mil, orbiting the sun in 4,5 years.
Asteroids is the small object but the amount is billion. Asteroids like a small rock that orbitting the sun or named dwarf star with diameter 240 km.

Comets are a group of rock that covered by gas haze, when it approach to Sun, comets remove glowing gas on the head and light spray on its tail. The diameter of comets is about 100.000 km. More near comets to Sun more big Sunlight pressure is received and more long the tail. Comets tail consist of CO, CH, and CH2 gas and H2O.
Comets in greek means star with tail and this comets is an object that not solid formed by dust, temperature with gas is thin, and the gravitation force really weak.
There are 2 type of comets such as:
a. comets with tail
Comets with tail is comets that the orbit elips shape, If the orbit close with sun it will abdicate gas that absorbed in cold area to form a tail.
b. comets without tail
Comets without tail is comet with short orbit then it has no chance to absorbed gas in cold area.

5. Million object that tied to sun gravitation

Ok, This is the end of my posting bro, I hope the contents of solar system has many advantages to you all. So, if we talk about solar system it has no ending because many of the materials not resolved yet. Because of this, many scientist still searching about solar system. Thanks for visiting my blog bro. Don’t forget to comments ;)

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