Friday, April 10, 2015

Explanation of Atom

The title of my article for this time is about The Explanation of Atom. “Atom” is the word from Greek “Atomos” that mean cannot be cut. Appropriated from the explanation, atoms are particles that arrange all thing and has a small size. In an atom also has sub-atom. It is particles that arrange atom and has a more small size. Hard to imagine how small this atom, one of the dot in the end of this sentence has about 20 thousand atoms.

Every atoms have nucleus, consist of proton and neutron, also electron move fast arround the nucleus. Electrons contain in the different stage of energy called leather. In every leather, it has limit for electrons. If the electrons in the first leather has the limit, the electons will fill the second leather and so on.

Based on the explanation above, electron, neutron and proton are the smallest part of atom, but the modern scientist opinion says proton and neutron arranged by more smallest particles called kuark. If you want to know more about atom, Let’s read the explanation bellow.

The theory of Atom

The word “atom” in the first time used by chemist from England named John Dalton (1776-1844) when he submitted the theory of atom in 1807.

Dalton said that all of the chemical elements arrange by very small particles called atom and cannot be cut when it is reacted by the chemical substance. One more opinion is all the chemical reaction caused by the mix or separate of atoms. Atom Theory of Dalton become basis of the modern knowledge.
In the twentieth century, the scientist started to make  the atom model, created by :
  • Ernest Rutherford (1871-1937) he describe electrons (-) rounded the nucleus (+)
  • Neils Bohr (1885-1962) he described the model with electrons rounded the certain orbits.
  • Jame Chadwick (1891-1962) he point out a nucleus consist of particles called netron and proton.

Atom Mass

Atom in different element also has different mass. It depend on the amount of proton and neutron in the nucleus. Hidrogen has one proton and doesn’t have neutron, so it only has the first atom mass. More big the mass of atom, more small the atom.

The Number of Atom

Atoms from different substance have proton number that not same in the nucleus.the number of proton in nucleus called atom number. If the number of proton in the atoms nucleus change, so atom will change to atom with the different character with the previous one.

Atom Force

Electron (-) will be kept in orbit arround nucleus (+) by electromagnetic force. Pull force of nucleus that keep proton and neutron in atom’s nucleus is a strongest force in universe. It one hundred times more strong than electromagnetic force.

Electric Charge

Most of this atoms have neutral electric capacity. That’s mean the number of proton (+) and electron (-) is same. The charges has attractive and disattractive tarik menarik force that abolish each other.

The Form of Atom

Atom has variated form called isotop. Every form has the same number of proton and electron but neutron is different. So, all isotop from an atom has the same atom number but the number of mass different. Isotops has the same physical characterisics, but chemichal characteristic is different. Most of atom in the element is an one kind elements.

This is all of my post with “atom” theme. Actually, there are many things that connect with atom, but I only can share this to you because of my definite knowledge. Thank you for visiting my simple blog. If you have any opinion about my blog, please write in the comment box (don’t be  hesitant).

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