Monday, February 2, 2015

Definition And Mouth Function

Hello, I glue you all my regards. This time I write about the explanation about human mouth. This is not really difficult to learn because I’m sure you all know a little about the shape, position and fungtion of our mouth. Mouth is the first way to started digesive system process, mouth cavity.This process happen with mechanics and chemicals. Our mouth don’t work by itself, in mouth cavity there are many organs to help when the process start. The organs are Teeth, tounge and saliva gland. So, Let’s read the detail explanation about the organs!
1. Teeth
Before I continue, it can be good if you look at the mirror, open your mouth and stare your teeth. If you have done it let’s continue. Like you see, teeth arrange and reside in upper jaw and lower jaw. Generally, teeth have section there are
  • The top teeth or crown of the teeth, the part which can seen outside.
  • Teeth neck,  the part is protected by gums, and its diveider between top and root teeth
  • Root teeth, the part of teeth which buried in jaw.

Let’s continue to another part, maybe you get benefit in knowing this. We are going to teeth layer, the outer layer of teeth  called email, this layer is a hard layer in teeth. Its fungtion to protect teeth bones. Its mean, if this part broken in the way of logic teeth easy to broke too. In email there is dentin which is the net with yellow colour. Let’s read about outer layer of teeth root called sementum and usually we know with teeth semen. Then the inner part of teeth is  teeth hollow (pulpa), the hollow contain of nerve and intravenous.

Did you remember when your teeth grow for the first time? I’m sure no one can remember it. Why? Because teeth grow when our age 6-7 months until 26 months. Teeth when we are child called first born teeth or generally called milk teeth. After we 6 until 14 ages, then milk teeth loosened one by one and change to permanent teeth. So how is the arrangement of teeth? Let’s see the picture below.

See? Teeth arranged in rows and the position is in upper and lower jaw. All the milk teeth amount is 20, contains of incisor which amount 8=(2*4), cuspi which amount 4=[2*(1+1)], and front molar which amount 8=[2*(2+2)].

Adult teeth called permanent teeth which amount 32 contains of incisor which amount 8=(2*4), cuspi which amount 4=[2*(1+1)], front molar which amount 8=[2*(2+2)], back molar which amount 12=[2*(3+3)].
Yup, after you know the arrangement of teeth, I’m sure your knowledge about teeth added more. But there are more explanation about teeth, it has many fungtion. Incisor to cutting the food, cuspi to  ripped food and molar to chew food.
2. Tongue
Tongue has many usefulness in digestive system in human.  Be sides tounge is as a setter the position of food in our mouth  and push the food to the next part, it always be indra which fungion to tste food. To more clear about the position of tongue, let’s see the picture below.

3. Saliva
Saliva is produced by 3 couple of saliva gland, then currented to saliva canal which estuary to mouth hollow. The 3 named of saliva gland are Parotid Saliva Gland (near temples), Lower jaw Saliva Gland and upper jaw Saliva Gland. I’m sure you have seen saliva right? And did you now the  contens of saliva? If not, let’s check it out. Don’t be bored to read this post ok?

Saliva consist of water, mucous, salt, and ptialin enzims. This enzim has fungtion to change flour subtance to sugar such as maltose and glucose. After it finished in mouth, the food will go to throat and continue to stomach and another digestive system.

This is the end of my post about human mouth. If you read carefully you will add more knowledge about our mouth. But, if there are many question in your mind just comment in the comments box below to discuss together. Thanks ;)

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